Design, and One Question to Rule Them All // ALD 002 — DT101 E63

This episode is based on this article: ALD 002 // Design, and One Question to Rule Them All. Read the article and others like it on Fluid Hive’s Ask Like a Designer.

Photo of Dawan Stanford

Show Summary

This episode is about a question behind almost everything people do as they create growth and opportunity by seeing and solving like a designer.

In these short Ask Like a Designer episodes on the Design Thinking 101 podcast, you’ll find new ways to explore the show’s stories and ideas about design-driven innovation. I’ll share methods, templates, and ideas that have worked in my practice in teaching.

What did you think of this episode? Please send your questions, suggestions, and guest ideas to Dawan and the Fluid Hive team.

Cheers ~ Dawan
Design Thinking 101 Podcast Host
President, Fluid Hive

Show Highlights

[00:50] The One Question to Rule Them All.
[01:19] Solving the wrong problem.
[01:41] What happens when you solve the wrong problem.
[01:49] Why solving the right problem is actually impossible.
[02:31] Lessons from a yacht crash.
[03:10] What problem am I trying to solve is never “one and done.”
[04:23] How do you find the answer to “what problem am I trying to solve?”
[04:34] How-Might-We questions.
[04:45] Free Ask Like a Designer tool to help you choose your next problem to solve.
[05:08] To design is to ask questions.
[05:27] Design Thinking 101 Learning courses.
[05:52] The Innovation Smart Start webinar.

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Tell me how the show helps you.

Photo of Dawan Stanford

Your ideas support and develop the show. Tell the world how the Design Thinking 101 Podcast has helped you think and solve like a designer. Then, tell me how I might make it even more helpful.

Cheers ~ Dawan

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Cheers ~ Dawan

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Find Better Problems Course

In this self-paced, online course, Find Better Problems: Creating Better Solutions by Framing More Valuable Problems to Solve, you will learn to create more effective solutions by understanding the problem you are trying to solve.

Creating effective solutions begins with finding, defining and refining the problem you're trying to solve. I help you do that and more with step-by-step instruction and practical templates.