Transform your career using breakthrough innovation and design skills.

Unlock your potential today!
Get powerful tools for immediate impact.

Breakthrough Innovation Tools quickly help you become someone who can:

    • Create Stronger Solutions
    • Increase Revenue & Impact
    • Deliver Better Services & Products
    • Lead Deeper Change

Fluid Hive’s Breakthrough Innovation System gives you a complete transformation Package.

You get step-by-step tools for solving tough challenges.

You learn to apply a simple way to launch innovation projects.

You become skilled at creating workshops where people do their best work in less time.

It’s 1-2-3 easy:

#1 Order Breakthrough Innovation Tools
#2 Enroll in Breakthrough Innovation Projects
#3 Enroll in Breakthrough Innovation Workshops 

Ready to drive innovation, achieve tangible results, and quickly experience success?

What People Are Saying

Dawan opens possibilities with amazing questions, excellent facilitations, and thought-provoking tools. I love working with Dawan because he helps me imagine what might be possible.

Cindy Leavitt

Vice President & CIO, The Ohio State University

Dawan, you covered a lot in a short time in Designing Engaging Workshops and I was amazed at how much you unpacked.  Thanks again for your insights.

Steve H.

Dawan Stanford helped my Strategic Plan Steering Committee gel as a group and really focus on the outcomes they want from the plan. He was energizing, affirming and motivating every step of the way.

Elizabeth Meade

President, Cedar Crest College